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7 At Home Fitness Hacks

Sometimes life happens and we don’t always make it to the gym or have the time to incorporate a full workout into our day. Some gyms are still closed and the cold weather can make it even less motivating to get outside. If you’re lacking motivation and want to maximize your at home workouts- these are some great tips for you. Trust me there are a ton of ways to burn calories between zoom meetings!

1. My most important tip is to make a plan and stick with it! While you may have shifted your usual workout plan, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a new routine. A routine is so important for our physical and mental health, consistency is key to achieve the goals you want. Start off slow and then gradually increase the days you make time to workout. Once you have a schedule, add it to the calendar or somewhere that you can see and remind yourself every day. 

2. Use household items as weights! No, you don’t have to spend $500 on Amazon for at home workout equipment. You can get creative with objects around the house if you want to use weight vs body weight. Wine bottles, milk cartons, vases, pots or grocery bags with food in them work!

3. One thing that’s important is to dedicate a workout space. This helps eliminate distractions and will help you get into the workout mindset. It can be a small corner but having a space that includes all your equipment will keep you in the zone to workout. If you can, turn your phone off and try to limit outside distractions. I like to play my favorite playlist and get to work. 

4. Change it up! Try new routines and see what works best for you and your body. Focus on full body workouts and exercises that work multiple muscle groups. I have a ton of great YouTube videos to try and incorporate into your routine! You can check them out here!

5. Make workout clothes your new go-to. Spending more time at home may make you more inclined to stay in your pajamas or sweats, try getting ready and changing into workout clothes first thing. Dress the way you want your day to go. Plus- a cute workout set can be very motivating! I hate to waste a cute workout set on a day I don't workout.

6. Don’t forget to stretch! Stretching is so important for your body, especially if you are sitting for long periods of time. Dedicate a few minutes before and after your workout to stretch. If you love watching tv, consider stretching while watching your favorite show or in between commercial breaks. 

7. Keep up with your other healthy habits. While it’s important to exercise and get your body moving, it’s also important to eat right and prioritize your health. Make small changes in your diet, drink more water, and limit ordering takeout are just some examples! I personally, always try to take the stairs when I can. Making small changes will keep you motivated and boost your confidence!

