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Easy Ways To Burn Calories

Easy Ways To Burn Calories

I personally love cardio days! Whether it’s going on a hike or doing the stairs, going outside is one of my favorite ways to get my cardio in vs the traditional treadmill. A lot of my friends/followers always dread cardio days but you have to remember it’s when we burn the most calories! So, don’t hate it..embrace it haha which is easier said than done. However, there are a few ways to burn cardio level calories without actually doing cardio. If you’re not feeling the gym, try some of my calorie burning hacks.

Infrared sauna

I loveee the infrared sauna!! You will sweat everything out while just sitting and relaxing. I play my favorite music and let the sweat just pour. Your body burns MAJOR calories but don’t forget to hydrate! I generally workout and then sit in the sauna for 10-20 minutes. You can easily burn up to 600 calories.

Cleaning the house/gardening

Yes, you burn calories when you clean! I put on my JNL ankle weights and feel like I got a full workout in after picking up after the kids and getting my house in order. Even bringing in the groceries and organizing the kitchen, no excuses!


One of my favorite ways to burn calories, especially on a hot day! Luckily LA has such beautiful trails, so it doesn’t even feel like a workout. I also love doing the stairs by my house. If you don’t have hiking trails or stairs, head over to the local track or park! Working out outside is a game changer and will boost your endorphins.


While swimming is considered low impact, it burns energy while improving muscle strength! Thirty minutes of swimming burns about the same number of calories as 30 minutes of jogging. Especially during the summertime or if you have kids, it’s an easy swap for a traditional cardio day.

